SEE/MAPLD Poster Session Wednesday May 21st |
5:30PM - 7:30PM
Nathaniel Dodds, Sandia
Martha O'Bryan, AS and D, Inc. / GSFC
An Electric Power Supply Design for the SPICA CubeSat
Rachid Darbali-Zamora, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez |
SEE Response of a High Density SSRAM
Craig Hafer, Aeroflex Microelectronics Solutions - HiRed |
Low energy (3-6 AMeV) ion beam-line for SEE Testing at U400R FLNR JINR Cyclotron
Semen Mitrofanov, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) |
Resources for Radiation Test Data
Martha O'Bryan, AS&D Inc., NASA/GSFC |
Short Pulsed X-ray Induced Transients in the LM124 Operational Amplifier, the LM139 Comparator, and the Centronics ODS15-5T Photodiode
David Cardoza, The Aerospace Corporation |
Selection of the Eletronic Components SET Test Results
Aleksandr Koziukov, Institute of Space Device Engineering (ISDE) |
A new way to let the operating system harden its application processes against SEU
Emery Kouassi Assogba, Université Catholique de Louvain/ICTEAM |
All-Digital Baseband 65nm PLL/FPLL Clock Multiplier using 10-cell Library
Robert Shuler, NASA/JSC |
Comparison of Single Event Transients in Ground-Plane (GP)-FinFETs vs. SOI-FinFETs
Mehdi Saremi, Arizona State University |
A New SEU-Tolerant TDICE Storage Cell
Li Chen, University of Saskatchewan |
Simultaneous Switching Noise Effects in Space Qualified FPGAs
John Aschenbrenner, et al., AEi Systems, LLC |
General Chair(s): Robert Weller, Vanderbilt University (SEE) / Tim Gallagher, Lockheed Martin (MAPLD)
Technical Program Chair(s): Ethan Cannon, Boeing (SEE) / Gabe Mounce, USAF and Michael Coe, SEAKR (MAPLD)
Poster Session Chair(s): Nathaniel Dodds, Sandia and Martha O'Bryan, AS and D, Inc. / GSFC
Publications Chair(s): Mike Wirthlin, BYU and Steven Buchner, NRL
Industrial Exhibit Chairwoman: Teresa Farris, Aeroflex Corp.
Treasurer: Bill Lotshaw, The Aerospace Corporation
Local Arrangements & Registration Services: Susan Hunt, STAMP Services
Website Curator: Carl Szabo, AS and D, Inc. / GSFC
SEE Symposium and MAPLD are supported by the Aeroflex Corporation, the Aerospace Corporation, Brigham Young University, Lockheed Martin, the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program, the Naval Research Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and Vanderbilt University.