Sunday 5/18 |
5:00:00 PM |
Workshop Registration
Salon A Lobby
Registration Reception
Soledad Ballroom |
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
8:00:00 PM |
End of Registration Reception |
Monday 5/19 |
Start Time |
Session |
Talk |
7:30:00 AM |
Registration in Salon A Foyer
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
8:30:00 AM |
SEE Intro
Chair: Ethan Cannon, Boeing |
Opening Remarks |
9:00:00 AM |
Test Method
Chair: Anthony Le, Boeing |
Particle Test Fluence: What's the Right Number?
Ken LaBel, NASA/GSFC |
9:20:00 AM |
Impact of Cumulative Irradiation Degradation on ASETs induced in BJT-based Circuits.
Stephen Buchner, Naval Research Laboratory. |
9:40:00 AM |
Break (30 mins) |
10:10:00 AM |
Test Method (cont) |
Two-Photon Absorption Dosimetry in Single-Event Effects Measurements.
Ani Khachatrian, NRL/Sotera |
10:30:00 AM |
Light-Matter Interaction and Two-Photon Absorption Induced Charge Deposition by Ultrashort Optical Pulses in Silicon.
Dale McMorrow, Naval Research Laboratory. |
10:50:00 AM |
Hardness Assurance Method
Chair: Brian Sierawski, Vanderbilt/ISDE |
Criticality of Low-Energy Protons in Single-Event Effects Testing of Highly-Scaled Technologies.
Jonathan Pellish, NASA/GSFC |
11:10:00 AM |
Hardness assurance for proton direct ionization-induced SEEs using a high-energy proton beam.
Nathaniel Dodds, Sandia National Labs. |
11:30:00 AM |
Validation of the Variable-Depth Bragg-Peak Method for Single-Event Latchup Testing using Ion Beam Characterization.
Stephen Buchner, Naval Research Laboratory. |
11:50:00 AM |
Lunch (1 hour & 20 mins)
11:50AM - 1:10 PM
1:10:00 PM |
Hardness Assurance Method (cont) |
Tales from the Cave: Bull, BS and Weibulls.
Gary Swift, Swift Engineering and Radiation Services, LLC. |
1:30:00 PM |
Neutrons and Protons Radiation Induced Single Event Effects in an Advanced Technology Node.
Yanran Chen, Vanderbilt University. |
1:50:00 PM |
Chair: Robert Shuler, NASA/JSC |
New Model for Simulating Impact of NBTI on Single Event Transient Propagation.
Hugh Barnaby, Arizona State University. |
2:10:00 PM |
Charge Collection Mechanisms in p-InGaSb Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistors Probed with Pulsed Laser Excitation.
Jeffrey Warner, Naval Research Laboratory. |
2:30:00 PM |
Break (30 mins) |
3:00:00 PM |
SET (cont) |
Heavy Ion and Proton Single Event Transient Results for 32 nm SOI Logic Gates and High-Fanout Inverters.
Manuel Cabanas-Holmen, The Boeing Company. |
3:20:00 PM |
Impact of Well Ties on Single Event Transient Pulse Widths.
Li Chen, University of Saskatchewan. |
3:40:00 PM |
Identification of a Pulse-Width Window of Vulnerability for Single-Event- Transient-Induced Harmonic Errors in Ring Oscillators.
Yanran Chen, Vanderbilt University. |
4:00:00 PM |
Chair: Dale McMorrow, NRL |
Demonstration of an X-ray Chopper for Pulsed X-ray Single Event Effects Testing of Low Bandwidth Microelectronic Devices.
Steve LaLumondiere, The Aerospace Corporation. |
4:20:00 PM |
Invited: (30 min) US Space Program Radiation Test Facility Study.
Jeffrey George, The Aerospace Corporation. |
4:50:00 PM |
End of Monday Sessions |
Tuesday 5/20 |
Start Time |
Session |
Talk |
Event |
8:00:00 AM |
Registration in Salon A Foyer
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
8:30:00 AM |
Chair: Gary Swift, Swift Engineering and Radiation Services, LLC. |
Invited: Single-Event Upsets in a 45-nm SRAM-Based FPGA Operating at Low Voltage Observed During X-ray and Co-60 Exposure.
Matthew Gadlage |
Industrial Exhibit
Teresa Farris, Aeroflex |
9:00:00 AM |
Single Event Upsets and Multiple Bit Upsets observed on 1Mbit SRAM.
Marc Poizat, European Space Agency. |
9:20:00 AM |
Radiation Study of a 4Mbit Ferroelectric RAM for Space Applications.
Helmut Puchner, Cypress Semiconductor. |
9:40:00 AM |
Break (30 mins) |
10:10:00 AM |
Memory (cont) |
Single-Event Effect Response of a Commercial ReRAM.
Dakai Chen, NASA. |
10:30:00 AM |
Single-Event Transient Laser Investigation of an Embedded PLL for a 104-Mbit SRAM in a 130-nm Triple-Well CMOS Logic Process.
Craig Hafer, Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions - HiRel. |
10:50:00 AM |
Chair: Megan Casey, NASA/GSFC |
Laser Beam and Heavy Ions tests on Telefunken TFSMART2 0.35um BCDMOS Technology.
Giorgio Magistrati, ESA-ESTEC. |
11:10:00 AM |
Voltage Dependence of Single Event Error Rates for Flip-Flops in Advanced Technologies - from Nominal to Near Threshold.
Li Chen, University of Saskatchewan. |
11:30:00 AM |
In-Situ Algorithm Test for Proton 400K-L SEE.
Steven Guertin, Jet Proportion Laboratory/NASA. |
11:50:00 AM |
Lunch ( 1 hour & 20 mins)
11:50 AM - 1:10 PM
1:10:00 PM |
Device (cont) |
Invited: (30 min) Single Event Analysis and Fault Injection Techniques Targeting Complex Designs Implemented in Xilinx-Virtex Family Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Devices.
Melanie Berg, AS&D Inc. / GSFC. |
1:40:00 PM |
Chair: Paul Eaton, Micro-RDC |
Radiation-Hardened Delay-Insensitive Asynchronous Circuits.
Jia Di, University of Arkansas. |
2:00:00 PM |
Invited: (30 min) A Radiation Hardened by Design 45nm ASIC Library Development.
Lew Cohn, NRO. |
2:30:00 PM |
Break (30 mins) |
3:00:00 PM |
RHBD (cont) |
Invited: (30 min) Radiation Hardening By Design Phase 3.
Manuel Cabanas-Holmen, The Boeing Company. |
3:30:00 PM |
SEE Characterization of a 90nm RHBD ASIC Library.
Craig Hafer, Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions - HiRel. |
3:50:00 PM |
Invited: (30 min) Recent Milli-Beam Developments at Berkeley.
Dave Mavis, Micro-RDC. |
4:20:00 PM |
End of Tuesday Sessions |
5:30:00 PM |
Industrial Exhibit Reception
5:30 - 8:00 PM
8:00:00 PM |
End of Industrial Exhibit Reception |
Wednesday 5/21 |
Start Time |
Session |
Talk |
Event |
8:00:00 AM |
Registration in Salon A Foyer
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
8:30:00 AM |
Chairs: Gabe Mounce, USAF and Michael Coe, SEAKR |
Opening Remarks |
Industrial Exhibit |
8:40:00 AM |
Chair: Matthew Gadlage |
Independent Single Event Upset Testing of the Xilinx V5QV;
Melanie Berg, AS&D Inc. / GSFC |
9:00:00 AM |
Investigation of High Current Events in 7-Series FPGAs;
Gary Swift, Swift Engineering and Radiation Services, LLC. |
9:20:00 AM |
The Living With A Star Space Environment Testbed Experiments;
Michael Xapsos, NASA/GSFC |
9:40:00 AM |
Break (30 mins) |
10:10:00 AM |
Combined (cont) |
Static Design-Dependent SEE rates on SRAM- based FPGAs: a designer flow;
David Merodio Codinachs, ESA |
10:30:00 AM |
Single Event Effects Characterization in 65 nm Flash-Based FPGA-SOC;
Nadia Rezzak, Microsemi |
10:50:00 AM |
An Analysis of Heavy-Ion Single Event Effects for a Variety of Finite State-Machine Mitigation Strategies;
Melanie Berg, AS&D Inc. / GSFC |
11:10:00 AM |
Validation of a tool for estimating the effects of Soft Errors on modern SRAM-based FPGAs,
Luca Sterpone, Politecnico di Torino |
11:30:00 AM |
MAPLD Session 1
Chair: Leon Wood |
Comparative Analysis of Present and Future Space Processors with Device Metrics;
Tyler Lovelly, Univ of Florida, NSF CHREC |
11:50:00 PM |
Lunch ( 1 hour & 20 mins)
11:50 AM - 1:10 PM
1:10:00 PM |
MAPLD Session 1 |
Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Techniques for SRAM-based Multi-FPGA Systems;
Felix Seigle, Univ of Leicester |
1:30:00 PM |
A Unique Fault Injection System for Estimating MicroBlaze Design Reliability on Xilinx V5QV FPGAs;
Mike Wirthlin, BYU CHREC |
1:50:00 PM |
Invited: (40 min)
University Nanosat
David Voss, AFRL |
2:30:00 PM |
Break (30 mins) |
3:00:00 PM |
Learning Session 1
(1 Hour) |
SEU System Analysis: Not Just the Sum of All Parts
Melanie Berg |
4:00:00 PM |
Learning Session 2
(1 Hour) |
Fault Tolerant Techniques for Embedded Processors in FPGAS
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt |
5:00:00 PM |
End of Wednesday Sessions |
5:30:00 PM |
Poster Session and Happy Hour
Poster Session Chairs: Nathaniel Dodds, Sandia, and Martha O'Bryan, AS and D, Inc. / GSFC
5:30PM - 7:30 PM
Click Here for details on Posters and Authors
7:30:00 PM |
End of Poster Session and Happy Hour |
Thursday 5/22 |
Start Time |
Session |
Talk |
8:00:00 AM |
Registration in Salon A Foyer until end of workshop |
8:30:00 AM |
MAPLD Announcements |
8:40:00 AM |
Invited Talk (40 mins) |
CSP: A Multifaceted Hybrid System for Space Computing;
Dylan Rudolph, Jonathan Urriste, Dr. Mike Wirthlin, NSF CHREC |
9:20:00 AM |
MAPLD Session 2
Design & Verification
Chair: Mythi To |
Flight FPGA Design for Review - Applying Lessons Learned to Improve the Review Process;
Marco Figueiredo, Orbital / GSFC |
9:40:00 AM |
Break (30 mins) |
10:10:00 AM |
MAPLD Session 2
Design & Verification
(cont) |
MATLAB Simulink based Direct Digital Waveform Synthesizer FPGA Design for Solid State Digital Array Radars;
Rathin Putatunda, LM |
10:30:00 AM |
High Throughput GSPS Signal Processing for FPGAs and ASICs using Synthesizable IP Cores;
Doug Johnson, Synopsys |
10:50:00 AM |
Static Formal Verification Methods;
Shashi Bhutada, Mentor Graphics |
11:10:00 AM |
Machine Algorithm vs. Human Design Checking for FPGA-Based Electronics;
Buu Huynh, Mentor Graphics |
11:30:00 AM |
Quick Tutorial on VHDL TLM Testbenches;
Jim Lewis, SynthWorks |
11:50:00 AM |
Lunch (1 hour & 10 mins)
11:50 AM-
1:10 PM |
1:10:00PM |
MAPLD Session 3
Systems and Component
Chair: David Lee |
Flash-based FPGAs in Space, design and verification guidelines for critical applications;
Gianluca Furano, Eurpean Space Agency |
1:30:00 PM |
Recommended Design Techniques for Implementing Highly-Reliable Designs using Flash/Antifuse and SRAM-Based Devices;
Doug Johnson, Synopsys |
1:50:00 PM |
Update on LEON3FT System-on-Chip Designs for High-Reliability Programmable Devices;
Jan Andersson, Aeroflex |
2:10:00 PM |
RC64: High Performance Rad-Hard Manycore;
Major Uri Socher, Ramon Chips, Ltd. |
2:30:00 PM |
Break (30 mins) |
3:00:00 PM |
MAPLD Session 3
Systems and Component
(cont) |
NAND FLASH Radiation Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack (RTIMS FLASH);
Tim Dargnies, 3D Plus
3:20:00 PM |
Honeywell's Radiation Hardened Non-Volatile 16Mb and 64Mb MRAM;
Mike Smith, Honeywell |
3:40:00 PM |
Aeroflex 64Mbit MRAM for Xilinx V-5 Configuration;
Ron Lake, Aeroflex |
4:00:00 PM |
Instability, Metastability or Failure: Assessing the Reliability of 28nm FPGA Technology;
Edward Wyrwas, DfR Solutions |
4:20:00 PM |
End of MAPLD Workshop |
General Chair(s): Robert Weller, Vanderbilt University (SEE) / Tim Gallagher, Lockheed Martin (MAPLD)
Technical Program Chair(s): Ethan Cannon, Boeing (SEE) / Gabe Mounce, USAF and Michael Coe, SEAKR (MAPLD)
Poster Session Chair(s): Nathaniel Dodds, Sandia and Martha O'Bryan, AS and D, Inc. / GSFC
Publications Chair(s): Mike Wirthlin, BYU and Steven Buchner, NRL
Industrial Exhibit Chairwoman: Teresa Farris, Aeroflex Corp.
Treasurer: Bill Lotshaw, The Aerospace Corporation
Local Arrangements & Registration Services: Susan Hunt, STAMP Services
Website Curator: Carl Szabo, AS and D, Inc. / GSFC
SEE Symposium and MAPLD are supported by the Aeroflex Corporation, the Aerospace Corporation, Brigham Young University, Lockheed Martin, the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program, the Naval Research Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and Vanderbilt University.