Total Ionizing Dose (TID) Effects
Electronic devices suffer long-term radiation effects, mostly due to
electrons and protons. The main sources of these particles are Solar
Energetic Particle Events - which usually occur in association with solar
flares - and the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) - where the Earth's
magnetosphere dips closest to the earth, causing more trapped radiation.
Cumulative long term ionizing damage due to protons and electrons can cause
devices can suffer threshold shifts, increased device leakage
(& power consumption), timing changes, decreased functionality, etc.
Device shielding can help, but several factors must be considered. Shield
geometry & analysis technique, shield material composition, and device
composition are all relevant in predicting shield effectiveness. Electrons
can be effectively attenuated by aluminum shielding even at high energies.
However, while aluminum shielding is effective for low-energy protons, it
is ineffective for the high-energy protons (>30 MeV).
A list of
parts that have been tested for TID since 1991 is available.
All reports are now available on line.
Total Dose Testing is performed at the Goddard Space Flight Center Radiation Effects Facility (GSFC REF).
For total dose testing at NASA/GSFC contact Gamma, Martin Carts, or
Accelerators, Stephen Brown.
A few useful links:
NASA/GSFC TID Parts tested from 1991 to 2000
NASA/GSFC Parts Searchable Database (TID and SEE)
Information on electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE) parts for the support of all NASA missions
is available from NASA/GSFC's
EEE Parts Information Management System
EEE Links and NASA/GSFC publication concerning parts, packaging, and processes
NASA/JPL RADATA parts data base
If you
know of any other relevant links or documents, please let me know!
Martha O'Bryan
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Curator: Martha O'Bryan
Last Revised March 11, 2021
A service of the Radiation Effects and Analysis Group,
Michael Campola, Group Leader