Dakai Chen

Dakai graduated from Vanderbilt with BS degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics in 2005. He also received his MS in electrical engineering from Vanderbilt University in 2007. His master’s thesis focused on the radiation effects of advanced MOS devices with high-k dielectrics. He joined the GSFC Radiation Effects and Reliability Group in December of 2007. His research topics include radiation effects (total-dose and single event effects) of advanced COTS and Radhard low-voltage-dropout voltage regulators, as well as the effects of elevated temperature on single event effects for space candidate components.

Dakai Chen's e-mail address is dakai.chen-1@nasa.gov.

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Curator: Martha O'Bryan
Last Revised March 25, 2009
A service of the Radiation Effects and Analysis Group, Kenneth A. LaBel, Group Leader