Registration Reception is Monday, April 8 at 5:00 PM
Please follow the instructions located within the form(s) for payment processing.
Local Arrangements and Information
Should you encounter any difficulties accessing our forms, please contact Susan Hunt for assistance.
General Chair(s): Peter McNulty, Clemson University (SEE) / Mythi To, Sandia National Laboratories (MAPLD)
Technical Program Chair(s): Leif Scheick, JPL (SEE) / Tim Gallagher, Lockheed Martin & Mike Wirthlin, Brigham Young University (MAPLD)
Industrial Exhibit Chairwoman: Teresa Farris, Aeroflex Corp.
Treasurer: Bill Lotshaw, The Aerospace Corporation
Local Arrangements & Registration Services: Susan Hunt, STAMP Services
SEE-MAPLD Steering Committee: Ken LaBel, NASA/GSFC; Jonathan Pellish, NASA/GSFC; Wes Powell, NASA/GSFC
Newcomers Sessions AV Support: Ken LaBel, NASA/GSFC
SEE Symposium and MAPLD are supported by the Aeroflex Corporation, the Aerospace Corporation, Brigham Young University, Lockheed Martin, the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program, the Naval Research Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and Vanderbilt University.