SEE Session Invited Speaker
Stuart L. Huston
Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.
Stu Huston has worked in the aerospace field for over and has worked for McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, SAIC, and Boston College before moving to AER last year. He developed trapped proton models which became precursors to AP9, and has been a key participant on the AE9/AP9 team from its early planning stages.
His talk, "AE9, AP9, and SPM: New Models for Radiation Belt and Space Plasma Specification", opens the SEE Sessions on Tuesday, April 9th, at 9:00AM.
MAPLD Session Keynote Speaker
Alan D. George, Ph.D.
Professor of ECE and Founding Director
of the NSF CHREC Center
ECE Department,
University of Florida
A confluence of dramatic shifts in research and technology is forthcoming that promises to revolutionize the nature of spaceborne computing and beyond. At the same time that on-board processing requirements for future space missions are projected to markedly escalate, with emphasis upon in-situ processing of increasingly complex science and defense applications, the architectures of device technologies likely face an imminent paradigm shift, as transistors approach the practical limits of their miniaturization.
Much as the power wall redirected the focus of processor architectures from faster cores to explicit parallelism, the density wall may usher in even more striking changes, where designers may no longer necessarily plan to exploit more gates but must instead make smarter use of each one. These changes can be expected to broadly impact future space systems and applications, with respect to computing paradigm as well as radiation hardening.
Fortunately, the field of reconfigurable circuits and systems is strategically positioned as a foundation to meet these challenges, in terms of reconfigurable functional units, datapaths, parallelism, and fault tolerance. This keynote presentation will feature an overview of these technologies, issues, and challenges, supported by selected research results from the NSF Center for High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC).
His talk, "The Forthcoming Renaissance in Reconfigurable Space Computing", will take place on Thursday, April 11th, at 1:20PM
General Chair(s): Peter McNulty, Clemson University (SEE) / Mythi To, Sandia National Laboratories (MAPLD)
Technical Program Chair(s): Leif Scheick, JPL (SEE) / Tim Gallagher, Lockheed Martin & Mike Wirthlin, Brigham Young University (MAPLD)
Industrial Exhibit Chairwoman: Teresa Farris, Aeroflex Corp.
Treasurer: Bill Lotshaw, The Aerospace Corporation
Local Arrangements & Registration Services: Susan Hunt, STAMP Services
SEE-MAPLD Steering Committee: Ken LaBel, NASA/GSFC; Jonathan Pellish, NASA/GSFC; Wes Powell, NASA/GSFC
Newcomers Sessions AV Support: Ken LaBel, NASA/GSFC
SEE Symposium and MAPLD are supported by the Aeroflex Corporation, the Aerospace Corporation, Brigham Young University, Lockheed Martin, the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program, the Naval Research Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and Vanderbilt University.